Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Brunei A

Country: Brunei Darussalam

Topic Area: Nuclear Power For Humanity: Mitigating the Nuclear Impacts

Committee: General Assembly

As technology development is getting more sophisticated day by day, people demand on the energy source availability is getting higher. The era of hi-tech requires more practical and instant way for human in daily life. Hence, people are encouraged to use feasible machines that require more electricity to run. Nuclear power plant now belongs to one of people choices as an energy source. Nuclear energy is a non-renewable energy, released either by splitting atomic nuclei or by forcing the nuclei of atoms together. However, there are still some arguments for and against its usage for energy source.


Several countries now are endorsing the use of nuclear power to supply their electricity. Nuclear becomes one of greatest energy source as some countries that have large share of its electrical energy manufactured in nuclear power plants. Nonetheless, the problems arisen from nuclear power plant waste which are radioactive still in thousands years. In addition, some countries, such as Iran and North Korea, were proven in possessing nuclear weapon.


Brunei Darussalam, with some other ASEAN members, has signed and ratified the Treaty of Bangkok that is Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone on December 15, 1992. This treaty engages each member NOT to implant or install any explosive devices capable of releasing nuclear energy in uncontrolled manner. Also, according to this treaty, each state undertakes not to dump, dispose, or allow any radioactive material into the atmosphere, on land of its territory. This treaty has also been submitted on IAEA documents as the compliments of each state member in accordance with the nuclear issue.


The main consideration of nuclear power plant is about its radioactive waste since it is totally harmful for human being. However, some researchers now still look for another option to reduce the waste. The conventional nuclear plant power uses nuclear fission in the production. And nuclear fusion becomes one of potential way to reduce it. Differs to the old one, nuclear fusion reaction waste, that is Tritium, is radioactive only for about 12,5 years. Another radioactive waste of nuclear fusion is the wall-reactor which is radioactive due to the neutron particles bombards in the processing. Yet, nuclear scientists still have to consider about other hazardous possibilities and its funding.

The responsibility of nuclear usage for humanity should be everyone’s mission. If it comes from everyone consciences, world peace will just run smoothly. However, it is impossible to have the same world vision. The United Nation should play biggest role in managing peace and security in world with the self-consciousness of each nation instead. Thus, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) was designed containing the three pillars system: (1) non-proliferation, (2) disarmament, and (3) the right to peacefully use nuclear technology. Again, rules, treaty, or agreements will be just a script-writing on a paper if there is no willing and consideration to realize it.

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