Monday, June 7, 2010

it's not merely bravery

Ok...have just finished learning from "3 idiots"....

Yes it was so inspiring, touchy, and meaningful. Telling about the life span of the three confidants during their college till reaching dreams, real dreams. That was a great composition in delivering story, but...I caught the best quotation-for me, that if im not mistaken:

"...don't let yourself regret in 5 years later since you dont improve your brave to decide your dreams. Do anything as you love it!!"

I am sorry if I incompletely quoted it but it doesn't significally change the meaning. Semantically, it has similar meaning, same intention towards hearer asking to be brave. In coincidence, I just feel the same feeling since I am not brave enough to do so. Sometimes, bravery is inequal to chance. For many tactful persons-like me- it needs thousand times to think, to tell, particularly for some sensitive matters. I, myself, have to see the chance to achieving dreams. You may say it's coward. Yet, for my life principles, in some cases, I have to think again and again. Observe it, make an analysis then go for it at last. Yeahh..u may say so..further u may (hopefullly) read this...only and always God, i give my rest after doing my best, since love will find the way... ^^



  1. tampilan webblog mu perlu sentuhan lebih lanjut, biar nyaman lo berkunjung ke webblog....Mas Shin...

  2. setujuuu....
    tapi ajarin ya mas...hehe.. ^^
