Monday, July 18, 2011


Nowadays, I was being bothered by many choices, plans, futures, chances, willing,,a lot of "s" and they're damn actually unseen yet. A notorious wisdom said that life is a matter of choices. Without any willing to be what so called-"galau", I just wonder if there will a guidance from you who will always be there no matter what, wherever and whenever I should have had a light with.

Me, myself, choose and build any plans in accordance with the point of view from persons I love. This could be my bad, yet I realize that I can't decide myself only for my happiness. I wouldn't be that naive that I don't have my own passion in doing a certain thing. I have my own need, indeed. However, I can't be that pleasant if the persons I love can't be happy for it as well. I'd like to do a certain thing within my interest and passion, yet it should be a pleasure for them.

Recently, I realize that there are some persons that I should take a look at before I make some choices. The first of all is my parents, that they have already grown me up, now that I should consider things that could make them happy. Second, my big family, though I don't know all of them, I would still take care of my attitude in living for them. I was born withing their name and dignity that I, myself have to protect. Third, this could be too naive that I also consider my bf for my future plans. I don't know whether we will go as romantic as we does lately, yet I just believe that I should consider many things related. Luckily, I have an understanding bf that he could see what I see. He could understand what I want, even though he drives me vexed as well once in a time. He could be my lover, brother, partner to discuss, and my guidance. C'est tres magnifique avec mon petit ami. Tu es adorable. Merci a toi abang Nevo.. <3

The last but not least, best friends. I certainly can't afford of some particular things myself. I need ones who always be my side, supporting me. Thanks for everything you've all given to me, for every good and bad as my considerations. Also, those choices I made were from my haters. I don't have any willing about having any haters, yet I realize that there must be friend and foe. Both will give me strength to face the world.

All in all, human is only able to make plans. The rest is in God's hand. I can only wish for the best in my life. I do wish that YOU will always guide me through your best pathways for me, and enlighten my heart to be faithful to YOU. I do hope that my fate will always be the best for me and so are those people I love. <3 <3

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Write To Empty Mind

-- I write to empty my mind and fill in my heart -- (Paulo Coelho)

Yes, I do agree with the tweet I read from one of my favorite writers. I whilst made the opposite one - I read to fill in my mind and empty my heart. In other words, I make reading as a place where I often run into whenever I feel bad or have a swinging mood, after music. Meanwhile, as Paulo Coelho does, I use my writing to dry out my feeling as well. I, sometimes, think that my writings can only be understood me, myself, though. There are probably some persons close to me who can understand it, since they were told so, or involved in that particular moment. Yet, I love writings and I am looking for any references about a good writing, still.

This morning I found an article pertaining to writing techniques. I found it incidentally that I was trying a new social network -- later i'd like to talk about. It is about 7 sound techniques for effective writing-tips.

1. Alliteration

Alliteration, the pattern of two or more words within a phrase or sentence that begin with the same sound, is an effective form of emphasis that adds lyricism to even straightforward prose and influences the mood.

eq: mourning in the Monday morning..

tick, tock, time is ticking though...

2. Assonance

Assonance, akin to alliteration, is the repetition of vowel sounds in a phrase or a longer passage.

eq: the blades glow in fade, slow

day by day, you keep waiting at bay..

3. Consonance

As the name implies, consonance refers to repetition of consonants — specifically, those at the ends of word.

eq: when shipping at night, just hold me tight

4. Onomatopoeia

This term refers to words that are sound effects, indicative of their meaning or otherwise imitative of sounds

eq: A splash disturbed the hush of the droning afternoon

5. Repetition

Repetition is the repeating of a word or phrase to produce a pattern or structure that strengthens the cumulative effect of a passage

eq: When I find you, I will catch you. When I catch you, I will cook you. When I cook you, I will eat you

6. Rhyme

Rhyme, the matching of identical or similar word endings in sentences of prose or lines of poetry, needn’t be limited to lyrical contexts

eq: If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit

7. Rhythm

Rhythm, the deliberate manipulation of syllabic patterns in a passage, like rhyme, should not be consigned solely to poetry

eq: The eager coursing of the strident hounds and the sudden pursuit of the mounted men drove the bounding prey ever on

When employing one or more of these techniques in your writing, keep these points in mind:

  • Be sure they have intrinsic value to the content and do not simply showcase your cleverness. Employ them in moderation, and be true to your voice and the tone of your writing.
  • In serious expository prose, no more than one or two instances will help readers retain important information or strengthen a memorable conclusion. A more casual, lighthearted essay can afford a few more tricks, especially as mnemonic devices. A humorous piece allows you to be more indulgent, but an excess of use can quickly become wearisome and counterproductive.
  • Study the masters, take note of their restraint and originality, and use those lessons as points of inspiration for your own applications of these techniques.

Now, writing can be such an alternative way to show your artistic point of view. Pour in your mind and stir it up into a marvelous work. Have a beautiful writing, guys... ^^

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Risolles isi Ragout

Ukuran porsi: 15 potong

1 buah bawang bombay, cincang
250 gram daging ayam rebus, disuwir
150 gram wortel, potong dadu
2 lembar daun bawang, cincang
200 cc susu cair
250 cc kaldu ayam
3/4 sendok teh pala bubuk
4 sendok makan tepung terigu
1/2 sendok teh garam
1 sendok teh merica bubuk
2 sendok teh gula pasir
1 butir telur, kocok

2 butir telur
150 gram tepung terigu
200 cc susu cair
200 cc air
1/2 sendok teh garam 2 sendok makan minyak goreng

Adonan pelapis :
1 butir telur, sisihkan kuningnya
3 sendok makan air
200 gram tepung roti, untuk memanir

Untuk perekat, gunakan 2 sdm terigu dicampur dengan 6 sdm air

Cara membuat :
1. Kulit : Taruh tepung terigu dalam mangkuk bersama garam. Buat lubang ditengah, pecahkan telur di dalamnya, aduk satu arah. Tambahkan air dan susu sedikit demi sedikit, aduk hingga rata. Masukkkan minyak goreng, aduk rata. Buat dadar tipis dengan loyang pipih ukuran 20 cm.

2. Isi ragout :
tumis bawang bombay dengan 1 sdm margarine dan pala bubuk, sampai bawang layu dan harum pala keluar.
masukkan ayam rebus, wortel dan daun bawang. masukkan kaldu dan susu cair, merica, garam, gula.
biarkan sampai mendidih, masukkan terigu, aduk adonan,sampai kental.
Matikan api, masukkan 2 sdm margarine, aduk sampai margarine rata.

3. Ambil selembar kulit, isi dengan 1 sdm adonan isi, gulung bentuk amplop, beri sedikit perekat, lakukan terus hingga seluruh adonan habis, masukkan kedalam adonan pelapis, tiriskan dan balut dengan tepung roti dan simpan dalam lemari pendingin selama 1 jam.
4. Goreng dalam minyak panas hingga kecoklatan, angkat.

Catatan :Bubuk pala yang ditumis (saat menumis bawang bombay), akan menyebarkan/mengeluarkan aroma lebih harum.

Margarine yang dimasukkan terakhir, menambah aroma wangi pada ragout.

Friday, July 1, 2011

No reason for Lying

Dream, is (again) one of the most favourite theme of movie script, that is emphasized by some Indonesian movies, lately. Serdadu Kumbang is one of Indonesian movie which tells about the dreams of children came from a rural area in Indonesia. To be similar with the previous movie by Alenia Production, Ale, as the director, was trying to convey the message of social life problems and educational critics in rural area, where television, radio or other information media belong to rare and precious things. This movie was set in Sumbawa island, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Again, another beautiful unexplored site on the Eastern of Indonesia.

We might have seen such a movie telling us about dreams, Laskar Pelangi, Sang Pemimpi, and Denias. Serdadu Kumbang also tells us about dreams of children living in a remote area, wherein is ironically different compared to ones living in a big city. Actually, everyone must have a dream. That's what they are living for. Without dreams, people may be such at a loose end, not knowing their own purposes and goals. This movie tells us about the dreams of children who are going to have a final examination so that they will graduate from school. The main character of this movie is Amek, a little boy who has habit to watch news-broadcasting to inform his neighbourhood about the things up in the country. Despite of his good attitudes, he was disintegrated by others for his chippy lips and his failures of passing the previous final school examinations. He wants to reach his dream of being graduated from school and being a news anchor when he has grown up. He has two best friends, Acan and Umek who always help each others for every problems they face in life.

However, some people will do anything- good or even bad- reaching their dreams. They might even lie to other human beings for a dream.

In my opinion, Serdadu Kumbang is likely to emphasize the matter of lying commonly happen in our life. I may even say that everybody might have lied in their life (no offence). Some might think that they did it for good, but in my humble opinion, I believe that lying has no good at all. According to Encarta Dictionary, lie means saying something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive others. Based on; lie has the meaning of a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Thus, I may conclude that lying harms others by the untrue story.

Some persons may have lied to protect, to build a good self-imaging, or to avoid and run their problems away. In this movie, we could see that there are some characters who keep lying in order to survive in living. Ironically, lie existed in school where children should get education in as well. Whereas, children need to learn how to have good characteristics for a peaceful and fair living.

This movie, may have a good intention to tickle the audiences so that they will realize that matter. Nonetheless, this may be a boomerang for the audiences, especially children, who might have interpreted these values in a wrong way. This is a good movie, but children need the guidance of the older to watch it. All in all, I am so proud of Indonesia's beautiful scenery which other countries don't have it...