Sunday, September 23, 2012

Home-made Pancake

Sambil iseng-iseng mengisi waktu liburan, saya mencoba resep pancake yang saya dapat dari seorang teman. Resep Pancake yg biasa sy buat:

terigu 400g
baking powder          1 sdt
telur 2 butir
susu cair 250 ml
air 200 ml
cuka 1 sdm (masukkan dalam susu cair, aduk, diamkan kira2 10 menit)
margarin  2 sdm (dicairkan)
gula pasir 2 sdm
garam secukupnya
Topping: buah2an atau saus coklat,strawberry,blueberry,or ice cream

Cara pembuatan:
Tepung terigu, gula dan baking powder diaduk merata, kmdn diberi rongga di tengahnya. Masukkan telur, aduk. Masukkan susu yg telah diberi cuka perlahan, aduk searah hingga merata. Untuk mengurangi tingkat kekentalan, masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit. Tambahkan garam sesuai selera. Aduk searah hingga merata. Tambahkan margarin cair, aduk. Istirahatkan adonan selama kurang lebih 10 menit. Kemudian masak tipis pancake tsb dalam wajan teflon datar diameter 15cm. Tunggu hingga muncul lubang2 kecil, angkat.

Tambahkan topping yg telah disiapkan. Sajikan! ^^

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Summer in Europe 2012 (Part I)

In summer this year, I had an opportunity to visit countries which I had never dreamed of visiting before. I had a quite trauma that I should have gone studying at Queensland, Australia, but unfortunately I didn't due to some reasons. Quite disappointing. Well, it was in the past! After deciding to study at University of Indonesia, the opportunity of going abroad was open again. At first I got an announcement about a Summer Programme held by EU Center in Singapore. This programme purposed on focusing at the European integration so that it probably is able to be implemented in here, Asia, particularly ASEAN countries. Instead of a series of intensive seminars, the programme also comprised of a field trip to European Union institutions in Europe. As it relates to my study of European Studies, I decided to apply to that chance. Within a month, I got an email that I have been considered as one of the short-listed candidates, then they would like to make an interview via skype. Okay.. I was so exciting!! :)

The next week after the interview, I got another email about the inquiry and stuffs to be prepared along with the acceptance letter from EU Center in Singapore. At first they told that the Schengen visa to Europe will be prepared and covered by them, from Singapore. However, they asked the three Indonesian participants to look for the visa ourselves. It was 2 weeks before we go. Pretty hectic days to apply for visa in only few days, since it usually needs at least a month to get it from the Embassy. Thankfully, I got the visa from the Embassy of Netherlands. Then, I could focus on completing my final assignments for my study~~ it was in the end of semester, anyway.

Well, within the programme, there are 21 participants, all is from Singapore but 7 foreigners, 3 Indonesian, 1 Malaysian, 1 Cambodian, 2 Vietnamese. The overseas participants were provided with a room each at the Graduate Hall of National Technology University of Singapore. O yea, all the seminars would be held in Rajaratnam School of International Studies in NTU. The room was pretty wide and had a fan on the ceiling. As the foreigners, we explored Singapore together. It was super fun and impressive, enjoying the life as a student in NTU, for about 2 weeks.

Getting know and living with the mature Bang Sallehudin, the fashionable Em Lien, cheerful dek Ayya, smart Corina, the "lost" Thao, and the mister map Try is such an honour to me. I'd like to craft your names as a part of my life stone. I could also learn from you all about your country, civilisation, and lifestyle.

I got the chance to meet and learn from many great people; students and lecturers. One thing I learnt from Singaporean is that they will obey the rule of law and respect others, even though they will do anything to attain their goals. And they will be more respectful to educated people.

I would like to share my other story about Summer Programme in Europe, later.. C u.. <3 font="font">

EUC Summer Programme's participants with lecturers

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Terkadang kita melupakan satu hal yang tidak seharusnya dilupakan...

"terbiasa tapi jangan jadi biasa... 
            kenal lama belum tentu saling mengenal...
        perasa bukan berarti bisa merasa... "

... @mytamyth ...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Manneken-Pis: a tiny Cold-Friend from Brussels

Have you ever been in Belgium? Have you ever heard of Tintin and his dog, Snowy? Yup, it is world-wide known as a legendary comics, which has been published since 1929. It has not only been considered as a comic, but also reflects and influences the International affairs of Belgium towards many countries lately. Tintin was originally created by Georges Remi (1907–1983), a journalist from Brussels. His adventurous stories throughout the world were described in adorable plot so that might leave a deep impression to the readers. Not only for kids, fans of Tintin are varied from their ages, originals and backgrounds. Some parts of the seriess are forbidden to publish. But most of them are still being republished until now as there are still many fans of Tintin in the world. Even, the Adventures of Tintin was filmed in 2011.

However, I would not discuss more about Tintin. Another famous symbol from Belgium is the Manneken Pis. Originally a simple fountain of public utility, Manneken-Pis is considered today a figure of legend, universally known. He became the representative par excellence of Brussels sense of humour - the "zwanze" - and the symbol of the spirit of protest and unconcern which characterizes the people living in this town, but also of the opposition to the multiple foreign occupations and to fanaticism. Nowadays he regularly shares the joys and the sorrows of the city.

The Manneken-Pis
Manneken-Pis was at first a fountain that played an essential role in the former distribution of drinking water since the 15th century. The system was well-known in all of Europe. Towards the end of the 17th century, the statue became more and more important in the city life. It was also a survivor of the bombardment of Brussels in 1695. Manneken-Pis became a precious good and enjoys a ceaselessly growing glory.

During big events, the Belgian adorn him with luxurious clothes. In the 18th century, Manneken-Pis was dressed at least 4 times a year. Since he lost his main function in the network of water conveyance of the city in 19th century, Manneken-Pis gradually became an image and symbol of the Brussels folkrole, the joy of the inhabitants and their capacity of self-mockery.

Although no one really knows the true story that inspired Manneken-Pis, rumours abound.
One such story recounts that he was a little boy who tried to douse a fire in the city with the only weapon he had at hand. Another story claims that he was the lost son of a visiting merchant, who had a statue sculpted to thank the citizens upon finding the boy was found urinating in the garden.

Various clothes of Manneken-Pis

Yet another favourite but unlikely tale claims that the statue commemorates Duke Godfrev III of Leuven, a two-years-old lord who in 1142 had troops battling armies of the Berthouts, the lord Grimbergen. It is said that the little two-years-old lord was placed in the basket hung in a tree to encourage the troops to fight for him. From there, he urinated on the troops of the Berthouts, who eventually lost the battle.

When my friends and I were looking for the Manneken-Pis, I thought that it would be much bigger than a tiny statue. After we found it, we just took some pics and that's all. Then we decided to eat waffle which tasted very good. :9

Well, tiny cold-bronze-friend, it was a memorable moment meeting you in Brussels, Belgium.

Me with Manneken-Pis :)