Saturday, September 22, 2012

Summer in Europe 2012 (Part I)

In summer this year, I had an opportunity to visit countries which I had never dreamed of visiting before. I had a quite trauma that I should have gone studying at Queensland, Australia, but unfortunately I didn't due to some reasons. Quite disappointing. Well, it was in the past! After deciding to study at University of Indonesia, the opportunity of going abroad was open again. At first I got an announcement about a Summer Programme held by EU Center in Singapore. This programme purposed on focusing at the European integration so that it probably is able to be implemented in here, Asia, particularly ASEAN countries. Instead of a series of intensive seminars, the programme also comprised of a field trip to European Union institutions in Europe. As it relates to my study of European Studies, I decided to apply to that chance. Within a month, I got an email that I have been considered as one of the short-listed candidates, then they would like to make an interview via skype. Okay.. I was so exciting!! :)

The next week after the interview, I got another email about the inquiry and stuffs to be prepared along with the acceptance letter from EU Center in Singapore. At first they told that the Schengen visa to Europe will be prepared and covered by them, from Singapore. However, they asked the three Indonesian participants to look for the visa ourselves. It was 2 weeks before we go. Pretty hectic days to apply for visa in only few days, since it usually needs at least a month to get it from the Embassy. Thankfully, I got the visa from the Embassy of Netherlands. Then, I could focus on completing my final assignments for my study~~ it was in the end of semester, anyway.

Well, within the programme, there are 21 participants, all is from Singapore but 7 foreigners, 3 Indonesian, 1 Malaysian, 1 Cambodian, 2 Vietnamese. The overseas participants were provided with a room each at the Graduate Hall of National Technology University of Singapore. O yea, all the seminars would be held in Rajaratnam School of International Studies in NTU. The room was pretty wide and had a fan on the ceiling. As the foreigners, we explored Singapore together. It was super fun and impressive, enjoying the life as a student in NTU, for about 2 weeks.

Getting know and living with the mature Bang Sallehudin, the fashionable Em Lien, cheerful dek Ayya, smart Corina, the "lost" Thao, and the mister map Try is such an honour to me. I'd like to craft your names as a part of my life stone. I could also learn from you all about your country, civilisation, and lifestyle.

I got the chance to meet and learn from many great people; students and lecturers. One thing I learnt from Singaporean is that they will obey the rule of law and respect others, even though they will do anything to attain their goals. And they will be more respectful to educated people.

I would like to share my other story about Summer Programme in Europe, later.. C u.. <3 font="font">

EUC Summer Programme's participants with lecturers

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