Wednesday, August 17, 2011

happy birthday

Happy Independence Day, my home country...
You're getting older, but mature...
You're getting rich, but stingy...
You're getting prosperous, but greedy...
You're getting witty, but tricky...
You're getting well-known, but being hidden...

My..oh my mother country...
Best wishes for your future..
Within all those enormous amount of people,
culture, golds from nature
May you play the subject other than object
May you stay awake and aware..
May you keep strong, tough, in this 66 years-old..


These months lately, I just feel like many things changed..
Started from the basic plan changed in my life..trying to follow and find a way in a lighted crack..
From the very beginning, I doubt that this is gonna work..yet, I have passed through some points required..I have been thinking of some in my forth. However, this is what's so called faith. I fell in my last step.

After being delayed, now they say they can't accept for the next commencement. What a surprise!! Nevertheless, past will just pass by. GOT TO WAKE UP, not just dream!! Point I got here is that being dependant sucked. Being an over-thinker will return in nothing. For every deed I'm gonna take, I need to make my own decision lay on my own way.

All in all, thanks for this challenge, experiences, and sensation I've passed through. Walking through this path is not probably my way. YOU sure know the BEST for me. I send my sincere and gratitude for Your faith on me, Allah...
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I actually didn't want to post it, but I have to.. I need a space to empty my mind, thoughts, and worries in some particular moments...
I don't like to junk, or post this kind of writing, yet I have to.. I'll be hurt of not throwing this kind of feeling, stuck in my mind...
I don't like to get into this weakness, for I should have had you.. I could be strong even though for God sake, I am a woman still...

I hate to say that I am sorry for the inconsiderable deed I did to you, though you should have known this wasn't done without any consideration..
I hate to say that I need your understanding for several things I only could say without words but affections, dunno if those were kinda disturbance..
I hate to say that somehow I think I'd like to quit yet I knew myself will refuse it for I already find it right with you..

I need to say that I have an EGO still, to differentiate..that I am a woman..
I need to say that I could give the thing that I also want it from you in return..
I need to say WE are willing to be understood..

With love,

Technology and Women Issue in Dark of the Moon

I went to cinema yesterday and watched Transformers: The Dark of the Moon 3D version. I already watched its previous movie, Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen yet it was not in 3D version. Ah, no need to discuss more about 3D or not since I won't talk about it later.

After watching Transformers 3 yesterday, I just realized that the current issue about women, feminism is also involved in this story board. Nowadays, we could see many women issue throughout the world. And apparently, Michael Bay, the director won't miss out the issue that he with Ehren Kruger-the writer made this story line.

It all started from the moon. After the war in Cybertron, there was a spaceship which crashed and hit the moon. It contains the hundreds pillars that could make a portal to transport Cybertronian to any planet to rebuild their home. There was also an autobot, Sentinel Prime, the leader at that time. He was the one and only who could take control pillars in making the portal. He was in a sleep mode buried in the ship. Heard about that thing, Optimus Prime endorsed to re-energize Sentinel and ask him to live in earth with humans. It's a shame that Sentinel betrayed Optimus since he had a deal with Megatron to rebuild Cybertron, rebuild his home on earth.

Megatron had already made deal with human, Dylan, to assist him succeeding the plan, and he will be a human leader in return. In this case, Dylan is the boss of Carly, Sam's girlfriend. He, in collaboration with Decepticons were trying to erase the track by killing several people related, who witnessed the process of Lunar mission. Sam Witwicky was haunted as well. He has a connection to autobots and he was the messenger of any danger from Decepticons, may happen to human race.

This movie, I know that it's a fiction, told us about the untold story of American Lunar mission with Apollo 11, in which the astronaut found some strange track paths about Cybertron spaceship. It's cool when a real Buzz Aldrin also joined in the movie making.

All the autobots, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Silverbolt, Ratchet, Sideswipe, The Wreckers, are willing to protect earth, as they feel like home here. However, due to a wrong decision made by Optimus, the Director of National Intelligent, Charlotte Mearing sent them outta space. Luckily, the autobots were too genius to be kicked out, they have already known Megatron's strategy. Shame, Ironehide became one of the victim in this battle with Sentinel.

From this movie, i could take several things:
  • Faith and betrayed: those two things were so contradictory. Once you chose to betray someone, it's hard for the victim to trust on you again. Faith is a precious and priceless, that is hard to keep. Once one's treated by another grant or reward, he might probably put his faith behind.
  • Brain vs machines: this movie was sooo sophisticated, with all those effects, sounds and lighting, this was just amazing. Moreover, I watched the 3D version, that somehow made me feel like being involved in this movie. This movie, however, showed the collaboration of human and machines to save the world. It leads me to the fact that nowadays, most people are depended to the technology, and most are too lazy and coward in making decision. People shouldn't be possessed by technology as it's people creation. Keep using brain in most activity, and support it with technology.
  • Women's issue: I saw two female characters who have big role in the movie. The first is Carly Spencer, Sam's girlfriend, the other is Charlotte Mearing. Carly is played by Rosie huntington-Whiteley, replacing Megan Fox in the previous movie. Her acting, IMHO, was not bad, yet it's far less than Megan Fox. It differs from the previous movie that Mikaela has dominated the movie, yet in here, Carly was still being introduced by the whole sophisticated robot technology. Nevertheless, Carly became a hero in the end of the movie, she was trying to provoke and persuade Megatron to fight against Sentinel while he had a battle with Optimus. Thus, Optimus won the battle and he defeated Megatron as well. I believe that Michael Bay would like to show the power of woman's words. Then, watch out guys... ^,^
  • Another female character in this movie was Charlotte Spencer, the director of National Intelligent of America. Even though she was a great woman, had a lot of nobels, she is a woman still. In this case, Charlotte was making a wrong decision in sending autobots outta space. She only thinks from one point of view, without realizing the impacts on others. This is a common thing happen to a woman. Her feeling and desire weigh more than her logic. I do admit it happens to me once in a time.
All in all, this is a great sci-fiction movie, with all of those sound, image and lightening effects. For children, it's quite appropriate though there are some parental-guide-scenes. There are some fairy illogical things, yet take it as amusement for watching a sci-fiction movie. Enjoy it.. ^,^

Monday, August 8, 2011

Gunung vs Pantai

Ku lari ke hutan kemudian menyanyiku,.
Ku lari ke pantai kemudian teriakku
Sepi..sepi dan sendiri aku benci
Ingin bingar aku mau di pasar..
Bosan aku dengan penat
Enyah saja kau pekat
Seperti berjelaga jika ku sendiri

Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Ada malaikat menyulam jaring labah-labah belang di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tidak kau goyangkan saja locengnya biar terdera
Atau aku harus lari kehutan
Belok ke pantai..?
(Dian Sastro Wardoyo - Tentang Seseorang (AADC))

Setelah menghadapi rutinitas dan tugas-tugas yang harus diselesaikan selama hari kerja, biasaanya seseorang akan menyediakan waktu khusus untuk berlibur. Menghilangkan penat dan menyegarkan kembali pikiran dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat favorit. Setiap orang memiliki tempat wisata favorit tersendiri, bisa ke pantai atau ke gunung.


Hamparan pasir (baik hitam atau putih), suara deburan ombak, permainan-permainan air, dan karang-karang kokoh berdiri yang berdiri tegak menjadi pemandangan wisatawan di pantai. Hamparan laut biru menggambarkan kelapangan, kebebasan, seolah-olah segala jenuh, penat dan kebuntuan pikiran yang muncul selama hari kerja lepas ke samudra luas. Suara deburan ombak yang menerjang karang, seolah-olah mendorong kita agar tetap kuat dalam menghadapi setiap masalah yang mencuat. Dengan bermain dan bermandikan air laut, atau hanya sekedar melihat, kita dapat merasakan kebebasan yang langsung membersihkn diri dari segala penat dan menyegarkan pikiran sehingga dapat berpikir lebih jernih nantinya.

Untuk berlibur ke pantai, ada beberapa hal yang harus disiapkan:
  • Sunblock - Penting sekali untuk menghindari sengatan sinar matahari selama kita bermain di pantai. Selain untuk menjaga kulit dari efek terbakar matahari, lotion ini juga bisa menghindarkan dan menjaga kulit dari kekeringan akibat air laut yang berkadar garam tinggi. Gunakan 15 menit sblm mulai, sunblock berSPF minimal 20 agar kita bisa bebas bermain di pantai.
  • Baju renang - Pantai, identik dengan pasir dan air..siapkan pakaian yang akan digunakan untuk bermain air, yang menurut Anda aman. Siapkan juga pakaian gantinya.
  • Kacamata hitam - Selain untuk menghindari kontak langsung mata dengan cahaya matahari, kacamata dapat menunjang penampilan kita. Jangan lewatkan moment liburan Anda tanpa penampilan yang keren.. ;)
  • Kamera - Setelah menemukan tempat wisata favorit, pemandangan yang apik, tentunya kita tidak akan melewatkan begitu saja tanpa menyimpan memori tersebut dalam gambar untuk dikenang.
  • Obat anti mual - Nah..ini berguna bagi Anda yang sering sea-sick ato mabok laut. Perjalanan ke pantai yang memerlukan periode tertentu untuk menyeberang, membutuhkan kesiapan fisik dan mental agar tidak mual dalam perjalanan. Kalau Anda termasuk tipe orang seperti itu, saya sarankan jangan makan terlalu banyak, bawa obat anti mual, dan kain penutup muka (untuk tidur). Pengalaman saya menyeberangi pulau2 untungnya tidak membuat saya mabok laut terlalu parah. Hanya dengan mengatur tarik-hembus nafas dan ditinggal tidur, things run well. ^^
  • Sandal / sepatu karet - Meskipun di pantai terdiri dari hamparan pasir yang lembur, tapi tidak ada salahnya kita teteap memakai alas kaki. Karena lingkungan seitar berair, maka gunakan alas kaki dari karet. :)


Hamparan perbukitan yang dikelilingi oleh perkebunan dan pepohonan yang berada di dataran tinggi, udara sejuk, serta angin sepoi-sepoi yang menerpa kulit..dingin, menyejukkan hati..udara segar, gemericik air mengalir yang keluar dari mata air asli.. Warna hijau yang melambangkan kedamaian, sedamai kicauan burung-burung dan suara jangkrik yang melantunkan melodi alam. Gambaran pegunungan yang menenangkan, menyejukkan jiwa...
Tidak semua orang mau berbondong-bondong kesusahan untuk mencapai puncak gunung. Hanya berbekal back-pack yang berisi barang-barang secukupnya, para pendaki itu berusaha meraih puncak kesenangan mereka, saat mereka yang memang gemar menghadapi rintangan, memacu adrenalin, untuk melihat keindahan alam dari ketinggian maksimal. Gunung, memang bukan tempat yang mudah untuk dijangkau. Sudah pasti medan yang diharuskan untuk ditempuh tidaklah mudah, kecuali hanya untuk mencapai kaki-kaki gunung, dimana kita akan tiba di puncak-puncak perbukitan yang tentunya tidak kalah mempesona dari pemandangan gunung.

To go mount-climbing, yang benar-benar mendaki menggunakan kaki, ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan, yaitu:
  • Menyusun rencana perjalanan, waktu untuk berkemah serta tempat untuk memperoleh barang-barang utk camping spt tenda, matras, ransel, sleeping bag, perbekalan makanan, dan peralatan makan dan masak sederhana.
  • Cari tahu daerah tujuan serta cuaca daerah tersebut selama 3 hari terakhir. Dengan begitu kita dapat mempersiapkan payung/jas hujan untuk jaga-jaga. Siapkan juga baju ganti atau baju hangat untuk perjalanan Anda.
  • Peralatan untuk para pendaki yang tidak boleh dilupakan adalah: kompas, teropong, peta, senter, GPS, pisau, yang dapat dipakai untuk mempermudah dan menunjukkan jalan.
  • Udara di pegunungan yang dingin mengharuskan kita membawa sarung tangan, kaos kaki, syal, penutup kepala, dan obat-obatan khusus untuk menjaga kesehatan. Untuk cadangan energi mendadak, bisa disiapkan bekal gula jawa atau coklat.
  • Persiapkan juga kelengkapan pribadi: obat2an, peralatan mandi, dan peralatan sholat.
  • Kamera, adalah alat yang digunakan setiap saat, setiap tempat untuk mengabadikan memori perjalanan kita.
  • Yang terpenting, siapkan fisik dan mental yang kuat untuk menempuh perjalanan, baik itu mendaki atau menuruni pegunungan. Siapkan juga mental Anda untuk menemukan keindahan-keindahan alam asli pegunungan yang pasti akan memberikan kejutan2nya.
Baik gunung maupun pantai, memiliki ciri khas keindahan masing-masing. Pantai lebih identik dengan kebebasan, lepas, yang dirasakan ketika kita melihat hamparan pasir dan air yang sangat luas. Sedangkan para pecinta gunung lebih memilih untuk menantang adrenalin mereka, hingga mereka akhirnya akan merasa kepuasan tersendiri ketika tiba di puncak tujuan mereka. Keduanya merupakan keindahan alam ciptaan Tuhan yang patut kita syukuri dan kira pelihara. No need to look for them overseas, our country has already had them in its beautiful and natural ways...!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Several sites at Karimunjawa Islands

Hi...bonsoir!! ^^
I already made a report of my 4days-3nites trip in Karimunjawa Islands yet I haven't posted any picture of it. Thus, I'd like to give some views about the islands. Since I didn't bring my digital camera (for it's broke )= ), I should wait for my personal photographer sending the files first ^^. I just got it yesterday so that I can update it now.. ^,^

Voilaa...!! first time you came to Karimunjawa islands, you'll be greeted the atmosphere of leisure and fun!! I only bring my back pack for the trip. No need to pack a lot of stuffs I guess. Most people came here to get refreshing air and relaxing days, so what else you're waiting for..!! ^^

Our first site was Pulau Tengah. It is quite small island that you only need 15 mins walk around the island. By that island, you could have the picture of hills and beaches at the same time. So lovely... ^^

...another end of Pulau Tengah with the hills and ocean...

Karimunjawa National Park, sea-eagle...

after that, we went to Pulau Gosong..this island truly made us BURNT, yet it is so beautiful..

Pulau Cemara Besar...

Shark-breeding place..

The last island we visited was Pantai Ujung Gelam. Look at the uniqueness of three coconut trees.

Undeniable activity in Karimun is snorkeling...

Exotic sunset...

It's taken at the small harbour in Pulau Karimunjawa Besar...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Karimunjawa Islands: As in Heaven

I was planning to go to Karimunjawa at that time. I got the info from my cousin that he actually asked me to go there, yet we haven't found any precise date for the trip. At last, I decided to go there without any doubts, only few days preparation.

Start by looking up several references from friends who have already been there. Also, I looked up some travel agents managing the trip. I got a reference from bukumuka and it turned out that they already have their own website. I wouldn't be there without any guidance and lost since I didn't know that place before.

Friday, July 22th, 2011.
I departed from Semarang on Friday evening, by travel. If you are from Semarang or Jogja, you can find some travels in here. I have booked a room in a hotel in Jepara. I have to stay for a night in Jepara since the ferry for crossing to Karimunjawa departs at around 7 a.m. There are some choices for staying there on this website. It took two hours from Semarang to Jepara. Arrived in the hotel, I checked in and voila I got surprised by the room's bed :)

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011.
Later in the morning, I got up early, was prepared and ready to go there at 6 a.m. I went to Kartini harbour by pedicab, it actually took approximately 25 mins walks from the hotel I stayed, yet (again) I didn't want to lost and miss the ferry. I was so excited to get there. Some friends of mine told that the scenery was amazing. I firstly looked for the tour agent, and for your information, there were approx. 60 persons altogether. The only thing that made it less impressive is about the fact that we have to go on ferry for 6 hours to cross the island. It would be okay if it was a land trip. However, realizing that it is a water trip, you HAVE TO prepare everything. If you seem to get seasick, you definitely need Antimo. Well, I successfully killed the time and boredom by listening to the music. The ferry departed at 8 a.m. Frankly speaking, I could stand on that situation for the first 4 hours, while I felt so sick and nausea during the next two hours. The only way to overcome it was by sleeping. However, how can we sleep within that situation???

Well, let's forget about the worse! We had already arrived in Karimunjawa island at around 2.00 p.m. . My first impression was so-so, the water is so blue, the white sand, and the freedom came from the giant water surface. I was born to love water and ocean. ^^

First thing I did was going to the home stay. Thanks God that I got a home stay which is quite satisfying and has complete facilities whose owner is so kind. It was Berkah Ilahi home stay. However, again, I got surprised by the room's bed :) I took a rest for a while, then took a shower to cleanse my tired body. And this is it, the beauty came firstly from its sunset. I was walking around that island, having a sightseeing and finally came to a small harbor in the west-side island. I could see an amazing sunset from that place. It was a dark-orange circle fell down from the sky as if it was hidden by the horizon.
What a wonderful one..!!

Twilight, that was not the end of the story. I had dinner in home stay, pretty good cooking from the host :) After dinner, had a look around neighborhood for a second, I slept early to revitalize my body :)

Sunday, July 24th, 2011...
i counted as the first day in Karimunjawa. Got up at 5 a.m. for prayer, then slept again for a moment, then got prepared for the trip today. At 8 a.m., having breakfast, going to the west harbour, I was ready to start crossing to the first island, and I would say "Subhanallah...". I could say nothing, surrounding was just a blue water like a carpet and it was just so gorgeous..I wouldn't say anything more that you should give a try visiting Karimunjawa.

On the first day trip, we went to Pulau Tengah; for snorkeling-that i missed- and photo session, Pulau Kecil; had fish grilled for lunch and prayer and snorkeling (again if you want to), Pulau Gosong; for taking photos, Pulau Hiu and finally we went back to Pulau Besar Karimun. One peculiar island is Pulau Gosong, which is an island without any trees at all, and tho whole island is covered by water and beautiful gradation of blue color. All you can see was a giant pool covered in blue liquid. So amazing. And if you're lucky you could meet dolphins during the trip crossing islands. We got back to Pulau Besar Karimun at 4 p.m. My first day was soooo memorable. ^,^
After dinner, I went to a coffeeshop called "Amore". There were seven of us, got to know each other on boat in the morning before. Yet, I already knew one of them so well and it was pleasure to know them. I didn't taste the food, however, the drinks...hmm..I could say not bad.. Since it was night already, they run out of some menu's ingredients. All in all, that night was fun and fabulous..

Monday, July 27, 2011,
the second day trip yet the last day to sightseeing :( Just like the previous day, the activities start at 8 a.m. Having breakfast, my friends and I, in the same boat went to some other islands. We went to Pulau Menjangan Kecil; for snorkeling, then we moved on to Pulau Cemara Besar; played with white sands in the water, had lunch, took lots of pics. After that, we went to Pantai Ujung Gelam. Seem that the activities were just the same. Nevertheless, each sites has its own characteristics, and the best way is to watch it ourselves to depict. Got back to Pulau Karimun Besar, I felt so exhausted yet super FUN..I had to queue for shower, since there were only two bathrooms for 11 persons. No worries..all is just GREAT!!

I went to souvenir shop at night. Had a look around and bought some souvenirs for family. Then, I went back to home stay and got all the stuffs packed. That night, I slept so tight, felt relieved and refreshed after all those memorable moments.

Tuesday, July 28, 2011.
This is the time for going back home. Got prepared, and all stuffs packed, we all went to the harbour, the same with one where we firstly came. The ferry departed at 7.30 a.m. The same as the previous crossing, it took 6 hours long across. Touched down Jepara, I went Semarang by travel, and this is the end of the trip (^,^)d

I'll be back there later... <3 <3