Monday, December 20, 2010
La memoire de juste moi, tui, lui, elle, nous et les
Friday, December 10, 2010
my concern lately

Concern of my beloved country
This was the article which unfaithfully made by me. It was one of the task of pascasarjana student, my mother. Unpredictably, I am able to think of this matter. Later, I thought that in fact, this is the matter I should concern about. Even though Indonesian language is not my major field in the university, I should concern about Indonesia, and all stuff about it. Because of what..? Because I LOVE my country, INDONESIA!!!
Pengajaran Pendidikan Berbahasa Bagi Anak-anak dimulai dari Orang Tua
Bahasa merupakan sebuah bunyi yang memiliki arti. Bahasa digunakan manusia sebagai alat komunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bahasa memiliki banyak ragam jenis, dialek, dan aksen yang biasanya di bedakan secara geografis dan situasi penggunanya. Di Indonesia sendiri, yang merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, penduduknya memiliki bahasa dan dialek lisan dan tertulis sekitar 250 jenis (Asmito, 1988: 48; Poesponegoro, 1984: 283; Alisjahbana, 1988: 203). Ragam bahasa tersebut tersebar luas di sekitar 13.667 pulau. Dengan adanya beragam bahasa tersebut, bangsa Indonesia tetap memiliki satu bahasa pemersatu yaitu bahasa Indonesia.
Akhir-akhir ini telah lahir banyak pengarang muda di Indonesia yang menerbitkan karya-karya sastra modern. Hal itu merupakan kabar gembira bagi dunia sastra Indonesia karena geliat penulis-penulis muda untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya, seperti novel atau cerita-cerita pendek semakin tinggi. Namun, satu hal yang disayangkan adalah dengan banyaknya karya sastra modern bahasa yang digunakan pun semakin menjauh dari yang selazimnya. Tidak seperti penulis-penulis yang lebih dahulu menghasilkan karya sastra di era sebelumnya, bahasa yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan bahasa Indonesia baku yang telah disempurnakan.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, semakin berkembangnya peradaban dan teknologi, bahasa yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pun berkembang. Sangat disayangkan perkembangan yang dimaksud tidak mengarah ke hal positif melainkan hal-hal yang negatif. Hal ini tercermin dari pergaulan generasi muda sekarang yang banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia tidak baku, bahkan terkesan sebagai bahasa gaul di kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan penerapan bahasa “gaul” tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, bukan hal yang mustahil jika nantinya generasi muda akan melupakan bahasa Indonesia yang seutuhnya. Sebenarnya bahasa Indonesia memiliki banyak kosakata dan makna yang indah yang dapat digunakan dalam penulisan suatu karya. Namun, beberapa penulis muda lebih memilih menggunakan bahasa-bahasa “gaul” dengan alasan komersil agar lebih mudah diterima oleh pembaca yang kebanyakan berasal dari kalangan remaja.
Jika karya-karya sastra modern berbahasa “gaul” banyak terbit di kalangan masyarakat terutama generasi muda, bukan hal yang tidak mungkin nantinya bahasa Indonesia akan mengalami penyempitan dan penyusutan. Oleh karena itu, orang tua diharapkan dapat berperan dalam menjaga kelestarian bahasa pemersatu kita, bahasa Indonesia.
Mengingat bahwa generasi muda, yang sebagian masih harus duduk di bangku di sekolah, hanya mendapatkan pendidikan bahasa Indonesia selama beberapa jam saja. Pada saat itupun bahasa yang digunakan siswa di sekolah merupakan bahasa pergaulan sehari-hari. Karena itu, peran orang tua dalam pendidikan berbahasa sangat diharapkan. Dalam keluarga, jika seorang anak telah dibiasakan berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar di rumah, maka anak tersebut akan menerapkan juga di lingkungan. Penggunaan bahasa “gaul” akan menjadi sebuah variasi tersendiri jika hanya sesekali waktu. Lain halnya jika digunakan terus menerus tanpa mengenal situasi dan kondisi lingkungan, serta lawan bicaranya. Seperti yang telah kita tahu bahwa Indonesia merupakan Negara yang mengedepankan tata karma, unggah-ungguh, dan sopan santun. Hal itu berlaku pula dalam berbicara, dan generasi muda seharusnya diberi pengertian dan pendidikan berbahasa sejak dini.
Jika dilihat langsung ke penggunanya, banyak penduduk di Indonesia yang lebih senang menggunakan bahasa ibu atau biasanya merupakan bahasa daerah tempat tinggalnya dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari. Bahasa daerah juga merupakan sebuah variasi tersendiri untuk ragam bahasa di Indonesia yang juga perlu dilestarikan. Seorang anak dapat dengan mudah belajar bahasa daerah melalui pergaulan mereka sehari-hari di lingkungan sekitar. Namun, sekali lagi, peran orang tua dalam keluarga juga penting, untuk menghindari penerapan bahasa yang tidak sesuai. Terkadang, karena terbiasa menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dengan teman sebayanya, baik itu bahasa daerah maupun Indonesia, anak-anak pun menggunakan bahasa tersebut untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain yang belum dikenal, ataupun yang lebih tua. Tentu saja hal ini bertentangan dengan norma-norma kesopanan di Indonesia. dan yang perlu di garis bawahi mengenai peran orang tua yaitu, jangan sampai orang tua membawa kosakata-kosakata yang kurang sopan dan tidak pantas ke rumah. Hal itu akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap pendidikan berbahasa anak-anak. Selain membawa pengaruh buruk, anak-anak pun dapat berpikir bahwa orang tua mereka hanya bisa melarang, bukan mendidik dan memberi contoh yang baik dalam berbahasa.
Tanpa mengesampingkan bahasa daerah, bahasa Indonesia hingga kini menjadi perisai pemersatu yang belum pernah dijadikan sumber permasalahan oleh masyarakat pemakainya yang berasal dari berbagai ragam suku dan daerah. Hal ini dapat terjadi, karena bahasa Indonesia dapat menempatkan dirinya sebagai sarana komunikasi efektif, berdampingan dan bersama-sama dengan bahasa daerah yang ada di Nusantara dalam mengembangkan dan melancarkan berbagai aspek kehidupan dan kebudayaan, termasuk pengembangan bahasa-bahasa daerah. Diharapkan pendidikan berbahasa yang baik akan menunjang dan melestarikan penggunaannya di masyarakat.
Friday, November 26, 2010
HP-the Deathly Hollows part I: That is what about trust and believe?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sounds weak, strong inside
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
T rue love: For You I Will
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you, for you I will...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It's Brunei B
Country: Brunei Darussalam
Topic Area: New and Renewable Energy: Solution to Worlds Energy Problem
Committee: General Assembly
Nowadays, the world climate changes unpredictably. A hot weather is happening now, though all of sudden the sky is going dark covered by clouds, and rains. There is no certain distinction between dry and wet season. In the subtropical area, the temperature rises and drops unsteadily. Those volatile conditions cause the melting of glacier and may raise the water level.
Global warming has become the current issue throughout the world recently. The climate changes trigger scientist from any countries to discover alternative energy which do not have or at least have only minimum carbon emission. Moreover, as the technology development is getting more sophisticated, and so is energy demand from people in the universe. The high energy demand from people is in opposite to energy source. Scientists strive to conceive new and renewable energy source dealing with the scarcity problem. However, the energy source should also green and safe for environment. There are some choices such as biofuels, ocean (wave or tidal) power, geothermal power, hydroelectric power, solar energy, and wind power. Yet, not all alternative energy sources are suitable for every country.
Ensuring environmental sustainability is one of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) which has been endorsed in UN Millenium Summit in year 2000. Brunei Darussalam has also ratified it and run it as one of its foreign policy. Related to the environmental sustainability issue, it has signed Kyoto Protocol since August 20, 2009. It also has joined the International Renewable Energy Agencies on June 23, 2009. The development of the alternative energy industry in Brunei enjoys strong support from His Majesty’s government. A clear manifestation of Brunei’s commitment was revealed in 2009 with the initiation of construction works on what will be South East Asia’s largest photovoltaic solar power plant with a capacity of 1.2MW. The project is being spearheaded by the Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan, in close cooperation with the relevant government agencies and is expected to upgrade HR capabilities and develop local knowledge and expertise in photovoltaic technology; including a wide-range of training programs and technology transfer.
Since every country has their own geographical characteristic, they have to choose which one of those alternative energy sources is suitable for its condition. In Brunei Darussalam, the alternative energy power plants possibly running on hydroelectric, solar and clean coal. With a long history of oil and gas production, Brunei is now looking to open up new frontiers and develop industries and capabilities in alternative energies. Abundant deposits of silica sand available in Brunei have been conducive to the development of a hub for solar cell and module production. Equally available are coal deposits currently being studied and are expected to open up further opportunities for the development of clean coal projects. As the 4th largest oil producer in ASEAN and the 9th largest exporter of LNG in the world, Brunei is ideally positioned to develop a bio-fuels refining industry in the region.
It's Brunei A
Country: Brunei Darussalam
Topic Area: Nuclear Power For Humanity: Mitigating the Nuclear Impacts
Committee: General Assembly
As technology development is getting more sophisticated day by day, people demand on the energy source availability is getting higher. The era of hi-tech requires more practical and instant way for human in daily life. Hence, people are encouraged to use feasible machines that require more electricity to run. Nuclear power plant now belongs to one of people choices as an energy source. Nuclear energy is a non-renewable energy, released either by splitting atomic nuclei or by forcing the nuclei of atoms together. However, there are still some arguments for and against its usage for energy source.
Several countries now are endorsing the use of nuclear power to supply their electricity. Nuclear becomes one of greatest energy source as some countries that have large share of its electrical energy manufactured in nuclear power plants. Nonetheless, the problems arisen from nuclear power plant waste which are radioactive still in thousands years. In addition, some countries, such as Iran and North Korea, were proven in possessing nuclear weapon.
Brunei Darussalam, with some other ASEAN members, has signed and ratified the Treaty of Bangkok that is Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone on December 15, 1992. This treaty engages each member NOT to implant or install any explosive devices capable of releasing nuclear energy in uncontrolled manner. Also, according to this treaty, each state undertakes not to dump, dispose, or allow any radioactive material into the atmosphere, on land of its territory. This treaty has also been submitted on IAEA documents as the compliments of each state member in accordance with the nuclear issue.
The main consideration of nuclear power plant is about its radioactive waste since it is totally harmful for human being. However, some researchers now still look for another option to reduce the waste. The conventional nuclear plant power uses nuclear fission in the production. And nuclear fusion becomes one of potential way to reduce it. Differs to the old one, nuclear fusion reaction waste, that is Tritium, is radioactive only for about 12,5 years. Another radioactive waste of nuclear fusion is the wall-reactor which is radioactive due to the neutron particles bombards in the processing. Yet, nuclear scientists still have to consider about other hazardous possibilities and its funding.
The responsibility of nuclear usage for humanity should be everyone’s mission. If it comes from everyone consciences, world peace will just run smoothly. However, it is impossible to have the same world vision. The United Nation should play biggest role in managing peace and security in world with the self-consciousness of each nation instead. Thus, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) was designed containing the three pillars system: (1) non-proliferation, (2) disarmament, and (3) the right to peacefully use nuclear technology. Again, rules, treaty, or agreements will be just a script-writing on a paper if there is no willing and consideration to realize it.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Feminism: Is it truly worshiped?
Do not think that I am feminist! I'm just an ordinary girl, trying to make something extra-ordinary. I'd love to observe things, see thoroughly into anything in my surroundings. Sometimes, asosial though. However, I'm still a woman, who has an integrity of being a female. Dealing with this, I saw that in some cases, a girl is just a simple joke, to amuse and entertain people. Wow..that's hardly funny right?!
I remember one of my friends said that in Al-Quran, it's true that a female is represented by a field/garden and a male is represented by one who work on it. In addition, he added that nature is identified with female, whilst social and culture is identified with a male. Hence, for everything happen to nature, it's all about social and culture who draw on it. However, it's inappropriate to have female as the model of everything happen to colour social and cultural phenomena.
I personally disagree with them. JOKE about female's things are a lot. PICS, Videos, Ads (focusing on female's sacred things) or any violances-happen-to-females could be accessed in ease. In the other hand, there are some people talking about gender equality and!! So ironic; that it will be very difficult to change a person mind-set about female.
Hmm..I've been talking too offense no war, it's about a set of my ideas. Hope that today was a present for tomorrow's provision. Love and peace.. ^^
Thursday, September 30, 2010
i-net generation
I'm very grateful,,so much praise to Allah STW that I was born in this generation, this era; i-net generation. I could hardly imagine what it looks like if there was no internet still. It would be hard to get informations, keep in touch with people, express our feelings or ideas or only want to know about what movies on the box office. Oh dear, what would happen then??! what would you do dealing with that condition.
I, myself, formally send my best gratitude to Sir Tim Berners-Lee as the inventor of the Web. Because of his finding we could see the world, sitting in front of the computer or laptop. Huhuu...very brilliant inventory. Still, there are many considerations of internet usage. This is brilliant guys, so please be wise... (^^,)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
She said: It's your faith..
19092010, 15.00 p.m -- 20092010, 09.00 a.m

Friday, September 17, 2010
life's never flat though!!
wanna scream out loud as "the-almost-graduate-syndrome" suddenly attacked me!!
some said it is a common thing, although i really HATE this uncommon-feelings in mind..
As I believe in Your best paths for me, I truly deeply lay my hopes on You..
Amen! ^^
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ramadhan first, Idul Fitri later..
It's just missing then;
Yet, welcome back Idul Fitri,, ^^
Forgive, forgiven;
Ketupat and Opor time.. ^o^
need to FIX, still
Laa illlaha ilallahu allahu akbar..
Seruan2 yang terdengar merdu untuk menyambut Idul Fitri 1431 H, menambah suasana menjadi syahdu. Tentu saja saat aq menulis ini tak akan terdengar seruan2 tersebut. Terduduk sendiri di depan leppie, sementara yang lain telah berkelana di alam mimpi, aq pun tak dapat merebahkan diri. Bukan karena tdk kebagian tempat namun seolah tak sempat. Ahh...seolah mata ini tak mau terpejam karena pikiran ini masih terbenam dalam kenangan-kenangan yang lalu.
Hari ini H+1, setelah kemarin seluruh umat Islam merayakan kemenangan dari pertempuran melawan diri sendiri-berbentuk hawa nafsu dan amarah- dengan berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Hari ini umat Islam dianjurkan untuk menjalin silaturrahmi dan saling memaafkan atas 3M (mistakes, misbehaviours, mispeaking). Melalui pernyataan yang dilakukan secara langsung, ataupun hanya sekedar lewat telepon, sms, wall photos, kita berlomba-lomba memilih kata-kata indah untuk menghiasi ucapan lebaran. Aku pun entah berapa sms telah terkirim untuk mewakilkan ucapan dan permohonan maafku. Euforia lebaran yang paling identik; ucapan selamat dan bermaaf-maafan. Leburan...
Lebaran, leburan, luberan, liburan... Banyak orang memanfaatkan momentum Idul Fitri untuk lebih saling berbagi dan lebih mengasihi. Yahh,,inilah yang dinamakan luberan. Orang2 berlomba-lomba membagikan luberan atau luapan rezeki, baik untuk saudara dan keluarga maupun para fakir miskin. Ada yang ingin menonjolkannya dengan mengekspose niatan tersebut, namun ada jg yang hanya diam karena sesungguhnya Jika kita memberi dengan tangan kanan, alangkah lebih baik tangan kiri tidak menerimanya. ^^
Momen lebaran identik pula dengan momen liburan. Banyak orang yang memanfaatkan momen ini untuk berwisata berkumpul bersama keluarga, atau hanya sekedar menikmati atmosfer mudik ke kampung yang akan terasa lebih nikmat saat lebaran. Apa boleh dikata..acara liburan tersebut terancam hanya menjadi rencana karena ketentuan bahwa libur lebaran tidak sama dengan biasanya..terlalu singkat untuk mudik. Namun, ada juga beberapa yang mempertaruhkan pekerjaannya. Lebaran adalah saat yang tepat untuk liburan, apalagi anggota keluarga pun berkumpul..
Entah kenapa, sampai detik ini aq masih ingiiin sekali mengucap kata maaf..maaf..maaf.. Bukan karena apa2, namun ada kesalahanku di masa lalu yang belum terselesaikan. Bukanlah tentang kriminal, susila, ataupun kesalahan sosial yang kulakukan. Akan tetapi rasa bersalah itu tetap ada karena kesalah itu menyangkut kesalahanku pada diri sendiri. Kesalahan diri sendiri untuk menentukkan sikap terhadap orang lain.
Kepada seseorang di sana...yang mungkin pernah tersakiti dengan sikapku pada waktu itu..maaf,,maaf,,maaf,, Kepada seorang (lagi)...yang mungkin telah salah menafsirkan sesuatu, karena kesalahan sikapku-yang seharusnya ditujukan padamu..maaf,,maaf,,maaf,, Karena sesungguhnya, semua tidak seperti yang kau lihat. Bahkan selama lebih dari 2 tahun, masih teringat kesalahan itu. Hanya Dia, the Almighty yang tahu semuanya,, hanya Dia yang bisa membaca dibalik sikap acuh tak acuh kepadamu. Hanya Dia yang bisa menentukan mana yang terbaik untukku, dirimu, dan dirinya. Dan semoga selalu ada jalan terbaik untuk semuanya... ^^
Sekali lagi..
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H..minal aidzin wal faizin..
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin... ^^
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
your life yourself..

Some say that it comes from the deepest heart. It was their real feeling. It raised by their past-worse-experience. Ohh, please dear, you must have known that you're totally doing WRONG!! You should have known that you should have had been influenced by those things.

They say that they have to enjoy life. Alright, you're right!! But, life is not just for you and not that way. You had your tasks, obligations and many things to do for public. The honourable sir or madams, please ask your deepest heart. What your function really is...!!
No offense, no discrimination, it is my truly myth only. Peace for you all!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I could be either an angel or demon for you
Just try to bring out my thought bout current international issues. Thanks God it brought me as one of the participants IMUN 2010.. ^^ Hope you enjoy this!
Dear God,
I’ve never dreamed of this ambiance, only could I hardly imagine the turmoil
Time and place do nothing for hitch, this recent life span’s coming at everything ease,
So much sophistication, less tranquil yet
As human always be thirsty for new discovery
As in the earth there still so much mystery
As a great power starts overwhelming humanity
Amazing building slightly exciting, yet I prefer hills
Global relying on fossil fuels and huge hydro-electrics will remain trend at least to year 2020, but that won't be enough to satisfy constant and ever-growing humanity needs. In the last three decades nuclear energy has significant part in electrical energy production.
Nuclear energy is a non-renewable energy, released either by splitting atomic nuclei or by forcing the nuclei of atoms together. Nuclear energy was first discovered accidentally by French physicist Henri Becquerel in 1896, when he found that photographic plates stored in the dark near uranium were blackened like X-ray plates, which had been just recently discovered at the time. The Nuclear Age began at the University of Chicago when Enrico Fermi made a chain reaction in a pole of uranium in 1942. Years later that due to the war in 1945, The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which killed thousands people and succeeded in disarraying Japan’s power.
Later on, in 1952, the first large version of hydrogen bomb which is thousands times more powerful than atomic bomb was exploded by United States for testing purposes. Afterward, England was provided by nuclear power plant for the first time in universe. Many years after, some countries use nuclear power on order to supply their electrical energy.
Nuclear energy is produced in two different ways, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission happens when large nuclei of atom are split to release energy. The main fuel element; such as uranium, in whose nuclei can be easily split by shooting neutrons at them. Also once a uranium nucleus is split, multiple neutrons are released which are used to split other uranium nuclei, this is called a chain reaction phenomenon. On the other hand, nuclear fusion happens when the nuclei of atoms are joined together or fused in a very hot condition. The heat required to start the fusion reaction is so great that an atomic bomb is used to provide it. Hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium and in the process release huge amounts of energy which produces huge explosion. Fusion process usually takes place in a nuclear power plant.
Like many others energy sources, nuclear also produces waste as well during its production. Even though it does not have waste of carbon dioxide, it has radioactive waste and hot water waste. The radiation harms body cells which can make people sick or even died. The effects can strike people years after their exposure to nuclear radiation. Nuclear power plant is provided by a cooling pool as the storage to keep away its harmful excesses. Furthermore, hot water waste causes bad effects for the environment, particularly for the ecosystem. It is usually thrown away to the shore then demolishes the ecosystems in it and brings them to death due to a very hot water temperature. Hence, nuclear energy powers have to be organized attentively and done by eligible persons to avoid any harms.
II. Discussion
Many people think that nuclear energy is fruitful. Otherwise, some others think that using nuclear energy is risky. There are some pros and cons against its usage for human.
a. The Advantages
1) Nuclear power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become scarce since there is still enough uranium on earth to develop.
2) Nuclear power plants belong to green energy source since it does not waste carbon which may cause greenhouse.
3) Nuclear power plants need less fuel than ones which burns fossil oil and it produces more energy than coral or oil energy production.
b. The Disadvantages
1) Nuclear power plants are too risky with all those waste production as they are totally harmful for human being.
2) It is quite expensive to take care of its excesses and the reactors which will only last forty until fifty years.
3) The primary waste product of nuclear will remain as toxic for thousands years for human being. Hence, its usage will be dangerous for the next generation in case there are certain things cause the failure of cooling system.
4) Nuclear power plants belong to awfully dangerous for universe if it gets in the hands of individuals that will not use it for peace. The nuclear reactors may also lead to weapon proliferation.
5) That leads to the politics. No one wants to host the nuclear-waste repository and no one wants a nuclear power plant next door. This is not an engineering or economic issue, but one of politics. Environmental justice has also reached the political stage, because the rich are better able to defend themselves against environmental insults than the poor.
Nuclear becomes one of greatest energy source as some countries that have large share of its electrical energy manufactured in nuclear power plants. That is France with 75% of energy manufactured from nuclear power plants; Lithuania follows with 73%, and then Belgium with 58%, Bulgaria , Slovakia and Sweden with 47%, Ukraine with 44%, and Republic of Korea with 43%.
There is still some debate motioning the use of nuclear power. An anti-nuclear activist and Nobel Prize winner, Helen Caldicott said that some European countries, Belgium , Germany and Sweden , are starting to realize that what they have done to nuclear power is ridiculous and immoral. They have now passed the law to close down nuclear reactors. Meanwhile, there are some countries still that remain the use of nuclear power plants to support their power.
In order to limit the spread or proliferation of nuclear power, some countries signed a treaty as the commitment to avoid misusing of nuclear power. The treaty came into force in March 5th, 1970 with 189 states party to the treaty. Five countries are recognized as nuclear weapon states; the United States , France , Russia , United Kingdom and China , in which they also belong to the permanent member of United Nation Security Council.
III. Analysis
The United Nation should play biggest role in managing peace and security in world with the self-consciousness of each nation instead. Thus, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) was designed containing the three pillars system: (1) non-proliferation, (2) disarmament, and (3) the right to peacefully use nuclear technology.
It still has a vague interpretation and obligation toward treaty signatories that NPT's Article VI arguably imposes only a vague obligation on all NPT signatories to move in the general direction of nuclear and total disarmament, saying, "Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament." This interpretation for some nations can be such an international trust not to manufacture or develop the use of nuclear power wrongly. There is still vague measurement of which nuclear usage is still in good faith or not, whether it is too risky for environments or not. It is good to trust someone, yet it must be fully watched by the council in charge to guarantee that those countries will not play a trick in using nuclear. The 3rd pillar, in contrast with the 1st pillar, allows for and agrees upon the transfer of nuclear technology and materials to NPT signatory countries for the development of civilian nuclear energy programs in those countries, as long as they can demonstrate that their nuclear programs are not being used for the development of nuclear weapons. Again, even though there are some following policies related to limit the development of nuclear weapon, this becomes a vague obligation of nuclear usage.
As on the case of Iraq and North Korea , however, Iraq was cited by the IAEA and sanctioned by the UN Security Council for violating its NPT safeguards obligations. North Korea never came into compliance with its NPT safeguards agreement and was cited repeatedly for these violations, and later withdrew from the NPT and tested multiple nuclear devices. Iran was found in non-compliance with its NPT safeguards obligations in an unusual non-consensus decision because it "failed in a number of instances over an extended period of time" to report aspects of its enrichment program.
Nevertheless, unless the United Nation becomes more rigid to overwhelm the nuclear use, there are still many chances to countries which desire to develop it or even create state weapons. The United must be fully attentive to the countries that have nuclear reactors. It is obvious that the use of nuclear has many risks to human being, environment and peace of the world. It is true that nuclear has long term radioactive waste which may explode or pass out through the cooling pool system and harm its surroundings. Before leading many countries with its obligation about nuclear energy, United Nation must have considered the positives and the negatives. There are some considerations which may come from the master of Biology dealing with environment, Geneticists relate to humanity and heredity, and Physicians to think about its fuel and chemical effects.
Afterward, United Nation must have the same opinion in conformity to the rules, sanctions and considerations of nuclear use. It is impossible to make obligation for public yet the maker itself has different perception. For this sophisticated matter, each member should put aside the national importance since this is for international.
IV. Closing
Herewith, I do hope the most intelligent and tactful resolution dealing with nuclear power use. Human’s problems have been sophisticated enough dealing with Global Warming issues and its world wide effect. Hopefully the wisest nuclear usage can be one of resolution instead being more problematical issue.
Again, it depends on the persons herself, that which is best to think about long last term for future or present. And this just come to the last thought that “I could be either an angel or demon for you.”